Saturday, February 14, 2009


I ALWAYS hated valentines, and this morning I woke up bitter towards the day, but the remembered that I had plans to go to coffee with shannon, who might be one of my favorite people! I sat there looking around just thinking to myself, I wish I had a boy, at that moment I got a text message from a good friend of mine, and I realized, that valentines isnt about boyfriends and roses and chocolate, to me valentines is a symbol of the friends I have, the love of these people that keep me going day to day! This is a day for me to bake for the people I love and Have an exscuse to tell everyone how much I adore them! I can honestly say, I love valentines day! I love the friends I spend it with, for once, Im not completley disgusted by valentines, Im happy with it<3

to those who get me through my trials, lovelovelove<3

Happy Valentines girl, I hope its wonderful!

1 comment:

Larry Lohan said...

I would have asked you to be my valentine

but I was too busy gutting a chicken.

"lets get down to business baby"

your one and only, larry s.