through everythig you have been there, you promised never to give up and you never did, I snapped and you took it. I came to your house, layed on your floor and ate you chocolate and you couldnt have been anymore patient, I rambeled on when sad and made a fool of myself when happy, but you were alongside the whole time, you hugged me and told me it will all work out and you chose not to listen to everyone else. your worth everything to me and i couldnt be happier about how strong our friendship is right now<3
we went through alot, you helped me through some of the toughest times, but you never stopped caring, we would write how much we love eachother, and how were in lesbian love, you sent me postsecrets and never stopped encouraging me, you helped me every step of the way, you broughht up sensitive subject that saved me, you saved me from alot of things, like we say, I dont know how I lived before you.<3
16 years babygirl, when I was little you were all I know, I know you wont read this but oh well, man have you seen every side of me, you have seen me at my best and worst, I am so happy with where your life is right now babygirl, Im glad that your happy. even though soccer takes up most of your time I love you so much, I will always have a place for you in my heart.
you hae been there consitently for almost 3 years now, and I dont know what I would do without you, you let me cry and yell and you just sit there, but your honest, you tell me what you think even if it hurts, we love susanne so much and she has seen it all, but your one person I laugh with more than anybody, whether were shopping or just sitting on my couch or in its a grind were always laughing at something, you always make me smile, and I think you get me more than anybody else. my family loves you more than anybody else, pretty much more than me, and I think your the one person who actually get me, like you get that Im dumb and weird and even if you dont get the jokes, you understand that its my sense of humor, you have held me accountable, and I love all our time together, speciallly our late night trips to dennys and In n out. I love you! I couldnt think of anyone else I would rather share everything with.
for the past 6 months I have ran to you, I have looked to you for advice and you never failed me, even though it didnt always look like it was working it was. you have been so strong for me, even when things were bad, you always had hope. you had the strength to help me, you never gave up even though I knew you wouldnt, you delt with he exscuses, the trust issues, the pain i was holding in, the whole time your best advice, is seek god, he is forever, he will fix you, and be happy! You encouraged me when I was down, you made me laugh, you never failed to make me smile, with your jokes and whatnot, you told me to count chimmneys, and now I do everyday, and because of your Love for God and your willigness to let him use you to help me, Im happy, and Im becoming stronger, so thanks for never giving up.
all my life you have been there, even though we rarely saw eachother or hung out, I always considered you family! your so beautiful and you always have been a huge encouragment and role model to me, i cant tell you how much I love you and how much I have come to trust you in the past few years, Im so glad that like I can always talk to you, even though your in a different country, I know your still there for me, I cant wait till you get home! I love you.
15 years, we have had our ups and downs, said things we regret but we always recovered, we were the ideal picture of best friends, or so I was told. we have been through so much together, deaths, birthdays, births, fights, everything. we always pulled through, you were the one I ran to in times of struggle, I shut you out when my uncle died but you never held it againt me, you actually understood me, you know me inside and out, and I love you, things arent perfect, but only time can tell anymore, only time.
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