Monday, November 17, 2008


My anxietty is casuing so much confusion in my life. It is making me lose sleep, making me exhausted and causing me to be anxious about every little thing. I am truly exhausted, ALL THE TIME! mentally and physically. I find myself laying in my bathtub fully clothed and no water, just an empty tub, and coloring in coloring books at 3 in the morning. I hate the person I have become and I ate that Im usually crying or being mean and lashing out at the people I love. I used to laugh, Now I cry. I used to go out with friends, now I only have people over. I used to be a good friend, now I push everyone away. I used to not care what people thought about my style, now I find myself dressing differently just so I dont have to hear those comments. People used to encourage me, Now they confront me. I used to pray for the strength to share gods word, now I pray for the strength to survive the next day. I hate this, I hate that people have to worry about me. I want to be the friend everyone ran to.

Ps. This weekend was very incredible. specially saturday night!

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